Small Step With Big Dreams

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Total 0 Skill Gained, Lives Changed.

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Every contribution, no matter how small, is a crucial step toward significant social change. By donating to the Nanhe Kadam Foundation, you're not just supporting a vital cause—you're fostering transformation and prosperity within our community.

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If social change is close to your heart, becoming a member of an NGO can transform your perspective as an active and empowered citizen. By joining Nanhe Kadam, you'll empower both yourself and your community through meaningful social reform.


As a facilitator at an NGO, you become a pillar of support and inspiration within society, driving real and meaningful change. Your involvement in supporting noble causes contributes to positive societal transformations, making a significant impact on the lives of individuals.

Our Schemes

Empowering Pathways—Our Holistic Programs for Community Development.

Press Release

Holi with Children - Bachho ke Rangeen Sapne

A wonderful Holi celebration was organised in the free education classes run by the Foundation in Ka...

Free Homeopathic clinic Inaugration

With the blessings and hands of Aryika Shri 105 Vidya Shri Mataji, Nanhe Kadam Foundation ha...

Our Events

NSS Special Camp

The Nanhe Kadam Foundation, in collaboration with ICG College, organized an NSS Special Camp focused...

Food Distribution in Slum

Nanhe Kadam Foundation organizes regular food distribution drives in slum areas to combat hunger and...

Distribution and installing Water bowls for Birds

The Nanhe Kadam Foundation distributed water bowls for birds at Mahatma Gandhi Govt School. ...

Connect, Contribute, Change - Join Nanhe Kadam Now !

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